Karen Guertler
Karen Guertler, director of Connections Health Services, is a teacher of the Alexander Technique, a musician, visual artist, hypnotherapist, and former nurse. She has published articles on the Alexander Technique in professional journals and in her newsletter, Connections. She has presented Alexander Technique workshops at the Mid-Atlantic Flute Fair and for the Maryland State Medical Society, and has taught extended courses at educational institutions including, among others, the Peabody Conservatory of Music and the American Kodály Institute of Loyola University. She consults at the musicians’ clinic of the Curtis National Hand Center in Baltimore.
Karen has been performing music since age five. She has learned to play four instruments over the years and has sung professionally, continuing to improve through the application of Alexander Technique principles.
Her special interests include teaching singers and other musicians, working with athletes, and assisting people navigating their way through and beyond chronic pain and post-traumatic distress.
Her education includes the Alexander School of Philadelphia '90, the College of Notre Dame of MD '88 (psychology major, communications minor), the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, and life. She continues to learn and grow and enjoys her practice more every year.
Karen teaches in her studio in Hampden. Learn more at www.karenguertler.com. Contact her at kguertler820@gmail.com.