Sarah Ittmann Leite

Sarah Ittmann Leite (M.AmSAT) is a Certified Teacher of Alexander Technique and Functional Awareness® Educator. She has been teaching the Alexander Technique privately since 2014. She is a graduate of ATMidAtlantic and received teaching certification from the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) in 2014. She is a teacher trainer in the Alexander Technique MidAtlantic Teacher Training course in Baltimore.

She has led Alexander Technique workshops at Peabody Enrichment program for young musicians and has assisted in group Alexander Technique classes at Towson University.

Sarah provided sessions entitled “Yoga & the Alexander Technique: permission to pause” during the 2019 Annual Conference and General Meeting (ACGM) that occurred on the campus of Columbia University.

In her private practice, Sarah teaches a wide variety of students including athletes, yogis, artists, musicians, pregnant women, individuals recovering from orthopedic surgery, and those navigating chronic pain.

Sarah has taught yoga since 1999 and has been an Alexander Technique teacher since 2014. Sarah is a continuously curious learner about body-mind connection & patterns. In her spare time you will find her exploring the art and form of pottery or swimming anywhere she can.

Sarah teaches private Alexander Technique lessons and leads small group yoga classes in Roland Park at Helia Health. Learn more at Contact her at